What Is Chair Yoga?
In a recent post on becoming a corporate yoga instructor, I mentioned the benefits of knowing how to teach a chair yoga sequence. These routines can be incredibly helpful for those who spend the majority of the day sitting at a desk. The stretches can also be great for seniors and really anyone can benefit from the lengthening that these movements provide. Plus, they don’t require any equipment beyond a chair and can be easily performed at a desk, taking as little as five minutes to complete. For that reason, I thought I would share one of my favorite routines, which you can freely use for your classes:
Seated Mountain
Sit toward the front of the chair. Put feet flat on the ground. Sit tall, engaging abdomen by pulling in and up. Pull shoulder blades away from the ears. Breathe.
Half Moon
Interlace fingers and stretch arms overhead, palms facing upwards. Roll shoulder blades down and back. Exhale, bend to the right, keeping both sides of the torso long. Legs and core are active and engaged. Inhale, turn to center. Repeat on left side.
Seated Twist
Keeping both feet firmly on the ground, inhale and reach tall. Exhale, and twist to the right initiation the turn from your abdomen. Inhale, extend through your spine. Exhale, deepen the twist through your chest, aligning the shoulders with the side of the chair. Inhale, extend, Exhale, look behind you. Release and repeat on the left side.
Twist with Namaste Hands
Bring hands to Namaste or Prayer position. Inhale, extend the spine and side body. Exhale, twist, and place left upper arm on the outside of the right tight. Inhale, lengthen. Exhale, press the arm and leg together and deepen the twist. Open the chest, lifting the right elbow. Return to sitting tall on the inhale. Repeat on other side.
Wrist Stretch
Sit tall, interlace your fingers, and turn your palms away from you as you straighten your arms. Firm your upper outer arms and engage your tricep muscles. Relax your shoulders away from your ears. Stay here for 5 breaths.
Reach both arms behind you to grasp the sides of the chair. Inhale, lift your chest and open your heart. Look forward or upward. Breathe deeply. With each inhale, deepen the back bend.
Stand to the side of the chair. Place one foot on the chair seat. Inhale, ground your standing foot on the floor as you reach through the crown of your head. Exhale, bend forward brining your torso towards the floor with the knee bent on the outside of your shoulders. Grab onto the chair and use it to actively stretch, pulling your torso lower with each exhale. Repeat on the other side.
Downward Facing Dog
Stand with feet hip distance apart a few feet in front of the chair. Bend over, placing your hands on the back of the chair. Open the armpits while lowering your head between your arms. Push into the ground with your feet and pull your hips back while pulling your shoulder blades toward your tailbone. Stay here for a few breaths.
Neck Stretch
Sitting upright, align your head directly over your spine, feeling the crown of your head lifting. Breathe in, and on the exhalation, drop your right ear towards your right shoulder without lifting your right shoulder or turning your head. Take several breaths in and out, feeling the stretch. Repeat on the opposite side.
Open Chest Stretch
Interlace your fingers behind your neck and press your elbows back as far as you can. Return to starting position, then drop your arms. Rest and repeat.
Back Relaxer
Begin by sitting straight up in a chair with your legs slightly wider than hip distance apart. Slowly round your upper back, lowering your chest between your legs and relaxing your head and neck down. Allow your shoulders to relax and round. Stay here for five breaths, then inhale and slowly roll up.
Knee Kiss
Pull one leg to your chest. Grasp with both hands and hold. Repeat on other side.
There you have it. Whether you are looking to add this routine to your corporate or senior yoga repertoire or just want to feel the benefits yourself, chair yoga is an incredibly great practice that can be done virtually anywhere.